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What I offer as a coach

FMy belief and experience has been that when you support all the facets of health, you get wellness.  All these services can benefit you to one degree or another. Do you have to get all of them,


 You can start where you feel comfortable.  You may start with an exercise prescription and/or a nutritional plan. From there we can proceed and see how well your body responds.  

Here is a little description to tell you about all the services I offer to help support you on your journey to wellness.

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pCOS, peri & post-menopause

Hormones govern the aging process for the body. Our hormones support the integrity and structure of all organs,  glands and systems,  keeping our bodies regulated for optimal functioning day in and day out.  By understanding our body and supporting what it needs per organ system in conjunction with the whole body,  we can attain optimal health & wellness naturally.  

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What is it? Well, scientifically it is known as Neuroplasticity, the ability for the brain to physically rewire itself. By changing your mindset, through physical and mental exercises, this organically triggers your brain on a cellular level to change physically by creating new neural connections, reinforcing those new, positive, learned behaviors and thought patterns.


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Movement is key for our brain, body, and organ systems to function optimally. There is no one set plan that works for everyone. Based on your health concerns, injuries or limitations, together we will design an exercise prescription to work within your limits and needs.


The range of physical activity will stem from aerobic, strength (anaerobic), balance, and flexibility. Some of these modalities used for will but not limited to: myofascial release (based on anatomical dysfunction), HIIT, kinetic chain combinations, TRX, BOSU, and basic strength training sets using all the fun tools you have available within your house or gym.  


In addition, accountability sessions are available with me to review, edit, analyze, and set forth new goals. Based on the program of choice, coaching is available by text/email and/or 1-on-1 video conference calls.


Your program will be conducted online using a smartphone application (signup required).


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No matter where you are in your current food intake, any goal is achievable with my many meal plan options. I have over 4500 meal plans to choose from, all designed by licensed, Registered Dietitians based on your individual health concerns.


Additionally, I offer accountability sessions through application and/or 1-on-1 coaching through video conference calls based on your program of choice.


Your nutritional program is online using a smartphone app, (signup required).


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Iridology is an alternative medicine technique that originated in 1893. It observes patterns, and other properties of the eye to assess an individual’s overall health. The technique of iridology is based on the premise that each organ in the human body has a corresponding region in the iris. 


This is completed by a thorough health questionnaire as well as a high definition photograph of both eyes to be reviewed.


Iridology is NOT meant to treat, diagnosis or prevent any illness.  This is strictly an alternative means to view organ functions attributable to environmental toxins and/or poor nutrition.

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